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G lax o S m ith K lin e
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( f l u t i c a s o n e p r o p i o n a t e
i n h a l a t i o n p o w d e r , 5 0 m e g )
It's hard to watch your kid having a tough time breathing. Fortunately. FLOVENT can help.
Taken daily as directed, it can help prevent symptoms before they start because it helps
reduce airway inflammation, an underlying cause of asthma symptoms. FLOVENT is not
for. and should not be used to treat, sudden symptoms. It won t replace a rescue inhaler.
FLOVENT is approved for use in children with asthma ages
and older. Can FLOVENT help
prevent your child’s asthma symptoms? Ask your doctor today.
I m p o r t a n t S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n A b o u t F L O V E N T D I S K U S
• Do
of asthma.
FLOVENT DISKUS is not a rescue inhaler and should not be used to give
you fast relief from your asthma attack. Always use a rescue inhaler, such
as albuterol, during a sudden asthma attack.
• Do not use FLOVENT DISKUS if you have severe allergy to milk proteins or
fluticasone propionate. Ask your doctor if you are not sure.
• Tell your doctor about the medicines you take and about all of your medical
conditions. Do not stop taking FLOVENT DISKUS, even if you are feeling
better, unless your doctor tells you to. If you miss a dose, just take your
next scheduled dose when it is due. Do not take 2 doses at the same time
unless your doctor tells you to. If you are not sure about your dosing,
call your doctor.
• If you have not had or have not been vaccinated against chickenpox, measles,
or active tuberculosis, you should stay away from people who are infected. You
should avoid exposure to chickenpox, measles, and tuberculosis. If exposed,
consult your healthcare provider without delay.
• FLOVENT DISKUS can cause serious side effects, including:
- fungal infections (thrush) in your mouth and throat. Tell your doctor if you
have any redness or white-colored coating in your mouth.
- weakened immune system and decreased ability to fight infections.
of existing tuberculosis, fungal,
or parasitic
infections, or ocular herpes simplex may occur. Symptoms of infection may
include: fever, pain, aches, chills, feeling tired, nausea and vomiting. Tell
your doctor about any signs of infection while you use FLOVENT DISKUS.
decreased adrenal function include tiredness, weakness, nausea and vomiting,
and low blood pressure. Decreased adrenal function can lead to death.
- allergic reaction
(anaphylaxis). Call
your doctor and stop
DISKUS right away if you
have any symptoms of an allergic reaction:
swelling of the face, throat, and tongue, hives, rash, breathing problems.
- lower bone mineral density. This may be a problem for people who already
have a higher chance of low bone density (osteoporosis).
- slow growth in children. The growth of children using FLOVENT DISKUS
should be checked regularly.
- eye problems including glaucoma and cataracts. Tell your doctor about
any vision changes while using FLOVENT DISKUS. Your doctor may tell you
to have your eyes checked.
- increased wheezing (bronchospasm). Increased wheezing can happen
right away after using FLOVENT DISKUS. Always have a rescue inhaler with
you to treat sudden wheezing.
• The most common side effects of FLOVENT DISKUS include a cold or upper
respiratory tract infection, throat irritation, nausea and vomiting, fever, and
Y o u a r e e n c o u r a g e d t o r e p o r t n e g a t i v e s i d e e f f e c t s o f p r e s c r i p t i o n
d r u g s t o t h e F D A . V i s i t w w w . f d a . g o v / m e d w a t c h
o r c a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - F D A - 1 0 8 8 .
‘ C h ild r e n a g e s 4 to 11 t a k in g F L O V E N T 5 0 m e g e x p e r ie n c e d im p r o v e d lu n g fu n c tio n o n a
b r e a t h in g t e s t c o m p a r e d to p la c e b o . Y o u r c h ild 's r e s u lts m a y v a r y .
V i s i t m y F L O V E N T .c o m
Please see summary of
Important Safety Information about
FLOVENT DISKUS on next page.
fo K r
If you don't have prescription coverage
and can't afford your medicines,
G SK forY ou .com
or call
1-866-G SK -F O R -U
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